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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing 

 Today anyone can start Affiliate Marketing because this business model requires no skills when we start, so let us know exactly what is this business model.

Definition of Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing means to earn some commission from products on sale with your reference. For example, you want to sale some third-party product and your place their link either on your website or blog and people purchase through that then you will be earning from that affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a business model which allows you to recommend someone else’s or company’s product and earn a commision after the purchase. le’s me give an example: If I sell a watch and I want to get more customers without spend more money on ads. What I will do? I will create an affiliate program which I give 30% in commission to an affiliate who sell my product instead to me . ''

Skills Required For Affiliate Marketing:

• Online marketing skills.

• Good knowledge of social media and its marketing.

• Ability to convince people.

• Search for affiliate marketing programs

How to start affiliate marketing?

When is to start affiliate marketing business you have to keep this in mind people buy something with a reason that can be to move away from pain or toward pleasure.

So when we have the 3 core desires : Health , Wealth and Relationship

In this 3 core desires you have to find First your niche, in the Health your niche can be “Lose weight”, in wealth “Make money online” and Relationship “Marriage advice”

Secondly : Choose the best affiliate products in your niche, the products must solve the problems your target audience have because affiliate marketing is a win-win business

Some affiliate programs

Here I suggest for you my best affiliate programs that you will find premium and high-quality products in every niches to promote.

1- Click bank

2- Jvzoo

3- Shareasale

4- Warrior plus

5- Digistore24

After getting your affiliate links let’s talk about how you can get free traffic if you have money to pay on ads


youtube is the best platform when you want to build long-terme affiliate business, by creating videos who teach people something for exemple when you promote ActiveCampaign you can create a video that teachs “how to use ActiveCampaign” and put your affiliate link in the descriptions.

Facebook groups: Facebook is the best part to get free traffic to your affiliate links but most people just spam their links, to get succed with Facebook groups you have to answer people’s questions and provide them value. So people will be curious about you and visit your profile, and they check your affiliate link in your bio.

Google ( SEO): Today, SEO is considered the greatest free traffic source for generating traffic to your website using just Keywords is what makes your website run. to start with SEO you need just a domain name and host that you can get it with cheap price

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